

  • Self Defence Theory
  • Body Conditioning
  • Basic Anatomy
Self Defence Theory The Rationale & Psychology of self-defence
Body Conditioning Fitness, stamina and agility
Basic Anatomy Striking points and vital target areas
Colour Coding Diffusion of dangerous situations: Yellow, Orange, Blue, Red
Basic Blocks Basic hand, arm and leg techniques
Basic Strikes Palm Heel, Knife Edge, Fist, Finger thrusts
Street Scenarios Practical simulations
Situational Awareness How to prevent the need for self defence
Break outs How to break choke holds and grabs
Lower Body Techniques Trips and low kicks, Stances, avoidance and strike intersections

“The mission of Martial Arts (Self-Defence) is to empower individuals of all ages, regardless of size or physical condition, to excel mentally and physically and develop the self-assurance that makes them champions in all walks of life. Congratulations, you have just started the journey towards being a Champion.”

Grand Master Pius Ilukhor
8th Dan